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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Here's the baby!

You've been asking and I've just not taken a lot of photos of this sweet one.  I guess b/c everytime I have the camera out, she's in her carrier.  Not a really cute photo to me when they're all bunched up in there.  So here she sits in her Bumbo seat, scantily clad.  She is 6 months old now.  Wow.


littlestreetfighter's Mom said...

wow, grown so much!!! i can't wait to see her in person.


bp said...

yeah!!! she's just beautiful, as all the evans women. can't wait to get my hands on her.

abbiegrace said...

awwwww--how cute she is here!

btw, you need to write in her baby book that she is a source of major entertainment during CG discussion time. So much fun to watch her rolling around on that blanket and making cute faces at everyone.