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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Can you stand the cuteness??
  9 months old and counting ...

Bike love and potty training

Our big girl is really changing.  She is absolutely loving the bike that we bought last fall and hid away until recently.  Honestly, the impetus for bringing it out was because little sister is obsessed with the tricycle.  I purchased some training wheels and she didn't hesitate to ride the bike.  The first day she had it, she was walking thru the kitchen and offered, "I love my bike."  It kind of melted my heart b/c she doesn't really like much... that sounds so lame, but it is true.  Unfortunately, she is not a very expressive child when she's happy (verbally or emotionally) but when she's not happy, it's easier to emote.  Regardless, I am thrilled that she loved this hand-me-down, yard sale find and knows no difference.  Other things she is very into right now:  coloring or any sort of craft for many hours at the Dining Room table, telling me the newest theme for her next birthday (chickens is the latest) and instruments (she watches Caillou and I think she got it from him... we were face painting the other day and she asked me if I'd paint a trombone on her face.  I declined.  Not b/c I can't draw one of those or anything!). 

Then there's girl #2 up there who is still a mess!  She's a love and a half, but still a bit mischievous.  Her emotions, unlike Nucky's, are right out there on her sleeve.  Here's a shot of her riding her "bicycle."  She learned to ride it like she's done everything else.  She climbed on even before her feet hit the pedals, and very determinedly reached for those pedals and made it work without help from anyone else.  She's done the same thing with potty training.  She literally took her diaper off and used the potty by herself.  Her sister went into the storage room and got the little potty.  I had little to do with the whole event.  This was about 2 or 3 months ago.  Very motivated to be a big girl.  No one can help dress her or really do anything that she thinks she's capable of. 

I had to include a shot of Nucky when she was 2 and potty training in those same boots.  Love this shot of the little bum.

Another cute thing about Weez is that she likes to read books to us now.  Here's how every page goes, "Once upon a story, there was a li-tul gull."  And then she turns the page, "Once upon a story, there was a li-tul gull."  Until she's at the last page... "Be end."

You may have thought I quit listing the current book I'm reading but I have not forgotten.  I've just been on the same book for the last 6 months and finally finished it yesterday.  A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry.  Story set in India about 2 brothers, friendship, etc.  A hard read, provocative, sometimes entertaining ... don't know that it was great b/c there was so much injustice and little redemption.  What a sell, eh?  It's historical fiction-esque. 

I'm gonna post baby next.  Need to download some pics of her NOT in the stroller.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A little vacation

A little stir crazy around here, so we planned a trip to the Great Smoky Mtns Nat'l Park while on our way to Cincinnati to visit the Cadoras. Maybe the pictures tell the story. It was a wonderful family vacation for all of us and worth the long car ride!  Loved our condos which included 4 pools, a putt-putt course and playground among other things.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Easter 2010 - He is risen!

The posed picture.

Then it all went to you-know-where.
Note:  though known to be a bruiser, the band-aid is just for looks.
It was in the Easter basket.  They were gone in 24 hrs.

                                Yummy.  Candy buttons.  An ingenious candy for my kids b/c they
                                can't eat too much in one sitting.  Too much work involved.  I haven't
                                blogged about Christmas dinner, have I?  After eating candy ALL DAY
                                LONG (some Mommy knew about, some she didn't), the grown ups
                                are finally sitting down at the dinner table complete with china and silver.
                                This little girl (Bruiser, Squeezie, etc) comes up to me and throws up
                                hot pink and green and many other colors of candy she'd had all day.
                                It got a good laugh, but I was a bit taken by the whole thing!