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Thursday, August 5, 2010

More summertime fun

One way to beat the heat... play dough!
Cute cousins at the beach house... don't know why she's topless.
Getting neglected but happy nonetheless.
She feels like such a big girl when she's allowed to do this.  She actually does great!
This has been the summer of swimming for her.  Took swim lessons for the first time ever and they helped tremendously... mainly with just getting her to be comfortable putting her head under water.  From there (where she plateau-ed with her teacher), she has gotten braver and braver on her own.  Wouldn't say she's competently swimming yet, but definitely making excellent progress.  She's encouraged when she sees her friends doing it... competitive nature just like her parents.
A visit to the trailer park.  Oh, wait, this is in our yard.  We have on our "yard suits" complete with safety pins and such.  Some of us don't even have a yard suit.