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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Birthday and Snow

Nucky is now 4 and we celebrated with a clown party. The only thing "clown" about it were the invitations, favors and one game. She insisted on the theme, so we ran with it as much as possible. See below for the favors (clown nose and glasses)

We made party hats b/c she loves to wear party hats. When she gets one at school from someone else's bday, it stays around our house until it's totally ripped apart (about 3 hrs).

Little sis also enjoyed the party... maybe posing for the camera was more fun for her.

Thought these were funny!
And then we have had 2 snows. This one pictured below was beautiful and at least 4-6".

I like to eat anything... snow was no exception. She ate it off the ground (you know, the kind that's been stepped on and yucky... she's not refined in her taste yet).

Meet Percy... he still hasn't completely melted.