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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Perry throws a luncheon

Hopefully the first of many to come! P asked and asked if she could have her teachers over for lunch.  I was thrilled at her initiative and desire to serve them, so encouraged the idea.  We had a lovely lunch with her teachers from her 3-year-old class.  I let her select the "china" (Elmo), make the place cards and help with the cupcakes and flower arrangement among other things.  She was so very proud and very much in her element!

Thank you, Mrs. Ashley and Mrs. Leslie for all your hard work, patience and wonderfully creative ideas!  She had a wonderful year and felt so comfortable with both of these kind-hearted women. 

Summer Visit

Backtracking a bit and starting with June, the girls and I went to SC for VBS and a little visit with Bibi and Gogo, with whom they love to spend time.  As seen above, a little blackberry picking at Uncle Randy's where we had to relieve ourselves (happens EVERYWHERE we go).  Granddaddy love and then a celebration of twenty-something years of teaching... Mom has finally retired so we went to dinner to celebrate.  We're proud of your hard work, Mom!

Many more summer posts to catch up on!