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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tribute to the one year old

I was remiss after posting the last post that I didn't give any comments about our darling little baby.  I have to say that she has been the most delightful addition to our family over the past year.  Our hearts are so smitten with her, all 4 of us, that I cannot imagine enjoying a baby more.  I want her to stay little and cute just like she is right now and not change. 

Lately, we've especially loved hearing her babble... sounds like "cully, cully, cully." Also love when she tries to jump (just her feet staying firmly planted but her body doing jumping motions).  Her smile is precious especially when she does the extra cheesy version and shows all 6 teeth.  She's cute when she claps along to the music in the car and even gets giggly excited when she hears one particular song on the Sesame Street cd that we play a lot (letter H). 

We love you Meredith -- don't go changin'!

Photo with Gogo... she'll learn how important a person Gogo is in her life as soon as she's able to chew gum, drink Coke and eat honey buns... should be any day now.

Baby turns 1

We better get with the program and move onto the fall, eh?  Before we do, I gotta catch up on some important events from the summer... like Baby Girl's birthday.

We took our second annual lake trip with the Wolthuis family over her birthday -- oh, I mean, we went to the lake FOR her birthday!

Here are all the other kiddos riding in a car that Perry made.  Notice the blocks she built to form the outside, the circle toy as the steering wheel and the cardboard box as the baby doll's car seat. 
We had a wonderful time at the lake... thanks Wolthuis' for letting us come!