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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bathtime and loves

First bath with all the sisters -- little MM doesn't know what to think, as you can see!  The big girls thought it was so fun and kept "feeding" her sea creatures.

On a different note, I wanted to mention a couple of things that are noteworthy for my memory.  As of last week celebrating St. Patrick's Day, Nucky has been so obsessed with leprechauns.  It started when her teacher described said creatures as if they were mini-Santas b/c they come when children are on the playground and bring treats and leave little green footprints behind.  She came home from school and the first thing she said when she jumped in the car was, "Mom, the leprechauns came!  They turned the potty water green!"  Yes, Mrs. Ashley went ALL out and even had the little green guys turn the toilet water green... how exciting!  In this 4 year old's mind, it was all she could think about.  She didn't get near this excited about Santa and his elves.  She continued to talk about this all day and was quite occupied with her little pot of gold filled with a gold rock and gold coin candy.  When I went in her room after bedtime, she quietly said to me before I left, "Mom, Mrs. Carney said that when she came in from the playground she saw a leprechaun running down the hall!"  Funny what they get into.

Squeezie's love right now is YOGURT.  She wakes up yelling from her crib, "Wogurt, Mommy."  If you don't give it to her, she continues to chant for it.  She would eat her weight in those cultures if I'd let her.  Cute little thing, she is!  She stayed home from school yesterday and was entertaining herself at the table with the resurrection eggs (tactile tool to tell the Easter story - love them).  I caught her using the nail as silverware.  I got it on camera...

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