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Friday, March 26, 2010


It's a special day when we can go see Daddy at his work and ride the "caro-sail."  This statement may sound as confusing to you as it did to Nucky.  When asked awhile back where Daddy works, she replied, "at the mall."  Well, he does work near a mall and that is where we meet him when we go to lunch with him on a work day, so that's what she thinks.  At least she's finally started calling it the carosail and not the ferris wheel!

The expressions in this picture kill me... so typical of each of their personalities -- Little Miss Poised and Cautious and Little Miss Calamitous and Kooky!


abbiegrace said...

ML, I love this picture!
It's so crsip and sharp.
And the girls are cuties.

I'm cracking up that they think Stewart works at the mall....

bp said...

I love love love this. and can't WAIT to get my hands on MM. she's such a chunk!