During her "room time" lately, she's wanted to play car. She'll go all over the house and collect our small chairs and make a car to drive her babies around.
In the front yard baby pool. The girls have really enjoyed a "little" dip in the water and it sure saves on a pool membership! Honestly I am so grateful we didn't join the pool this year b/c we haven't been in town much AND b/c Bruiser is a crazy girl at the pool. She literally stepped into the side of the big pool last time we were there. It was silent (I was standing right beside her) and turned to find her a foot below the surface of the water. She dropped like a rock to the bottom. Gave her a good scare, but I'd bet she will try it again. I'm going to get her a bumper sticker that say "Ain't Skeered" for her scooter.
Reading to little sis. It's rare to catch moments like this around our house!
Nucky is growing up so quickly and I think that I hardly notice it or am saddened by it. That makes me sad. Everyone says they grow up fast, and I think as a mother of little ones, you're so ready for them to move on to the next phase. I look back at some pics of her when she was little and hardly remember. I want to cherish her more than I do. I love moments when I can just look at her playing happily and being kind to her sister. I love hearing the funny things she has to say. Last night when I tucked her in, she asked me to go check on Sarah (a doll who she puts to bed in the basement most nights before she goes to bed -- mind you, she puts the doll to sleep in a bouncy seat on a different level of the house in a far corner... why? who knows). She said I needed to go tie Sarah's shoe and buckle her in her seat. Then she told me when I go in there that "she might be a little bit sad, so just be gentle and tickle her a little bit." I'll have to remember that advice when this next little person comes around.
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