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Monday, December 15, 2008

Ew gross!

I had a similar experience to a friend of ours who blogged so eloquently about it... but mine will not be so eloquent. Nucky had just visited the potty to do her daily business (hip, hip, hooray, it is no problem for us to go #2 in the potty) ... yes, #2 and #1 too. I'm right there with her ready to wipe (joy of motherhood). Just as we have completed, TSG shows up. She is always in the middle of the action, especially if someone is having a timeout, a meltdown, a crying fit, etc... just likes drama. Anyway, unbeknownst to me, she has a finial to a lamp in her hand (don't how or why it was within her reach). I didn't know she had said finial until I hear a very distinct "kerplunk" and then I spot the finial in the toilet. Wouldn't you know it. Thus, the title "Ew, gross!" I had to think about the importance of the finial... decided it was useless very quickly. Got the ole slotted spoon, shooed the kiddos away, did some fishing, and was able to flush.

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