This is a photo from September but I love it. TSG is such a vital part of our family and yet I don't feel like I have given her much mention since the start of the blog. She seems to always have a smile on her face and she is definitely behind Nucky everywhere she goes. I am so grateful that she has been an easy and content baby (she is 15 months old but I guess she will always be my baby until I have another). This photo really seems to capture her general good-naturedness. I like to think that I was like her as a baby because I remember my mom telling me that I was easy, etc... but maybe I need to get more info before I go taking all the credit.
Other notables about TSG: saying a few words like dada, mama, uh-oh; understands what we're saying and can follow simple instructions when she chooses ("give me a squeeze" -- head goes down on your shoulders, "time to go night night" -- starts waving to everyone that she'll be exiting the room, etc). When Lover leaves for work in the mornings, he does a game Nucky calls "Boo Door." We are usually sitting at the kitchen table and he goes into the garage and plays peekaboo, poking his head in and out of the door. TSG finds great joy in this activity as grins even after he's left. When he is done, she starts waving and, if not in her booster seat, she runs to the front window to wave to him. Both girls have always gotten very excited when Daddy comes home and hate to see him leave in the mornings. We videoed Nucky when she was little as she would spot Daddy coming down the street and how her reaction was so giddy. Need to do the same for TSG.