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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bingerbread houses

Not a typo, that's how we say it around here... "bingerbread man, bingerbread house, bingerbread boy." Gotta savor those cute little voices.

Nucky and I made these lovely houses the day before we left for Sumter. It was a quickly thrown-together act on my part b/c I wanted to share the joy with her. She hadn't ever experienced so much joy as having free reign on several kinds of candies. Unfortunately, when you wait until so close to xmas, there are no more good candies left in the candy aisles... no gumdrops (doesn't EVERY gbh have gumdrops... well, don't tell Nucky), peppermints, etc. So we opted for Easter candy like Jelly beans. She loved them and the m and m's. It was cute to watch her put one on the house and eat 2, then put one on the house, and eat 2 more. At first she kind of looked at me for permission, then she just ate with reckless abandon. I doubt she napped that day from all the sugar.... but we made memories.

1 comment:

littlestreetfighter's Mom said...

I'm following you closely...haven't updated mine yet b/c of the computer virus. Love seeing the photos. Somehow I missed the pilgrims hats and just saw them. I am so impressed by you making those and love, love that you had to google pilgrims. I am being re-educated along with my 3 year old b/c I know NOTHING!!!