It was finally Christmas with an almost-3-year-old... how exciting it would be to have her wake up to all these toys and loads of fun with Santa, etc. Well, I must say it was incredibly disappointing for us because Nucky had high fever for 3 straight days including Christmas Eve and Day. We were so sad not to be able to go to a C Eve service or just to enjoy celebrating. She was zombie-like and generally irritable. On Christmas morning, she came down to see her toys, looked at everything in a very mesmerized fashion and then asked if she could go back to her bed. We have a few pics of her on her tricycle and with her Dora backpack (a favorite from Aunt Caroline) but other than that, not much excitement. Of course, TSG didn't know what was going on which was probably good since she got about 3 previously-owned items!

All the grandkids at Bibi and Gogo's. I think Nucky was finally getting better by this point, but little did we know that all the other kids were disease-ridden at the time of the photo.

Even in my Christmas dress, I'm dirty, brave and not so sure about having a photo taken. Typical TSG, climbing without fear... like mother, like daughter. I broke my collar bone when i was 2 (right, MOM?) climbing up on the counter to get fingernail polish.

Trying to get a good shot for a card. You all know how fun that is.

This was the winner.