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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dear blog followers

Hello to my 3 blog followers... I am sorry I've failed you.  I know you've been waiting desperately to hear how our Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Valentines and Presidents Day have been and I've not kept you abreast.  Well, our little family is plugging along in all its cuteness and I haven't documented.... this all b/c my "new" laptop isn't very helpful to me in downloading photos, etc.  So, alas, I will get back to it.

Wish I had a great teaser, but I don't. 

1 comment:

littlestreetfighter's Mom said...

That's O.K....I press on...I check only once a week now instead of everyday. I click with baited breath and hope that my red-headed friend has uploaded something... anything.... alas, my need for connection is more than fulfilled by Skype in all it's wonder!!!! forever yours, jd