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Monday, May 4, 2009

Easter Bunny

Oops... forgot to include the "gravy" from Easter... the arrival of the Easter Bunny. A few funny things to note:
--Lover and I went out on Sat night before Easter and had a sitter. When we returned, the sitter said she had to remove Nucky's Easter basket from her room b/c she was crying saying, "I don't want the Easter Bunny to come in my room." She is terribly afraid of large dressed-up characters whether or not they bring toys and candy.
-- Since receiving loot on Easter, if I mention something we need like new Crocs, Nucky says, the Easter Bunny needs to get me some. Fortunately for me, I have the great heritage of hand-me-downs, so Nucky doesn't realize that you can actually go to a store and purchase things you need like shoes and clothes... they just arrive in your room from the basement mysteriously.
Reminder for next year: they hate Peeps. Nucky hated them last year... but aren't they a must?

1 comment:

abbiegrace said...

Love the bandaids in the easter baskets! I've done them as stocking stuffers before but not easter baskets.

Oops...I mean "santa" did them before...but "the easter bunny" hasn't....