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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just playing inside

We have had many rainy days over the past month and have had our share of cabin fever. I tried to alleviate it with creativity and other painstaking/messy measures like paint and playdough and water. We bought a kiddie pool for the yard and it has become quite fun indoors until it got turned over and jumped on. Now it's in the storage room. They loved sitting in it and throwing things back and forth.
The basement has been a huge blessing as the girls love to go down there by themselves and play. I feel like I have reached a wonderful stage in their ages when they're finally happily playing together -- I guess it's good timing with #3 on the way? Makes me long for the day when all 3 of them will be happily playing together. My heart is so glad when I see them excited to play with each other. I want them to be the best of friends... makes me encouraged to have more kiddos. TSG gets so giddy when we drive up to Nucky's school to pick her up. She starts squealing as we drive by just thinking of seeing her big sis. For this reason, I will be happy to have another girl... though we'll wait to see what's cooking in there!

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