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Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentine's Day

I loved this outfit but had to force her to wear the sweater. I have no idea why, but she hates it. I told her (she'd worn it one time already for Valentines) that she would NEVER have to wear it again b/c it was Feb 14 and it's a size 2... literally, she won't have to. So she obliged... amazingly. She got some heart stickers at school. You will see more of those later. I am finding them all over my house everyday.

Ahem, there's a heart sticker. Stayed on her face from morning until night (Bath time or she would've slept in it)

Chocolate mouths. Daddy gave all of his girls a bag of candy. Funny thing about Nucky. She ate all the chocolate but there were about 50 little sweet-tart hearts too. She never had a desire to eat them and only wants to organize them, pour them and play with them with her tea set. What is wrong with my child? TSG, on the other hand, whines, begs and cries everytime she catches sight of one of those red valetine bags in an effort to say, "GIMME CANDY!" (Cookie Monster-style)

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