We tried many, many times to get a cute one. Wow, the yelling and gnashing of teeth involved. I finally decided to just do a photo of baby alone. Here are my other attempts though. Kind of cute anyway.
For the record, some cute things Nucky has said lately:
"Mommy, you need to turn the wimper wipers on, it's raining."
Talking about the little boy on Caillou named Jeffrey --
Mommy: Perry, what is the name of Jason's brother on Caillou?
Perry (very resolutely): Jeopardy
We watch Jeopardy faithfully every night at 7:30 usually pausing it until after bedtime. I guess she's heard a lot about it.
When time was getting closer for baby to arrive, we talked a lot about going to the hospital and coming home with the baby. ONe day she asked me if we were going to take Bruiser back and pick up a new baby. In her dreams, I guess!
Now onto #2:
Bruiser needs a new name. Kind of like in the Bible when people did something notable and God changed their name (Abraham, Paul, Jacob, etc)... let's just call her Squeezie. Some notes on her right now. She is the quintessential rascal, always messing with something yet constantly happy and laughing. A true joy to have around, she keeps us all laughing with her silliness. As far as the messing around, one morning in the craziness that is called getting ready for school and me trying to meet a client right after I drop them off, I was busy getting my make up on in my room. Baby and Nucky were with me. Squeezie had been missing and quiet for at least 5 minutes. What could she be doing? (Always the question when there's no sign of her and all is quiet) She was sitting on the kitchen floor with the syrup bottle in hand, had poured it in a huge puddle on the floor and was dipping her whole hand in there and licking it. If I hadn't been so enraged, I might've stopped to laugh and/or take a picture. She has also been found in the laundry room with the scoop in her hand and powder detergent all over the floor around her... and powder footprints thru my kitchen. Don't even get me started on the soap pump in the bathroom...I could go on and on.
And for baby:
Sleeping well thru the night. Usually goes down at 9 and up at 6, then back down. Thank you, God, for a good baby so far.
Very smiley and content. Smiles easily at all of us, but often at her sisters despite their torment.
Gaining well, probably at least 13 lbs now.
Tired but used to it.
Busy with clients. Good.
Excited for the holidays that will be hosted at our house for Thanksgiving and Xmas.
Reading a lame book -- don't laugh... it's called Size 12 is Not Fat.
Renovating our basement bathroom that had a miniscule vanity, carpet on the floor, gray 80's wallpaper and lovely faux wood soap holder and towel bars.
Always an encouragement to me.
The best dad to these 3 beloveds. Truly loves to play with them (hmm, is that in contrast to me??).
Even more excited about the holidays. Never met anyone who loves Christmas more than this guy.
Thrilled over the Yellow Jackets football season thus far.
Wow, that was a long post!